
Welcome our new IEEE Foundation President – Ralph Ford

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IEEE Foundation is excited to welcome our new IEEE Foundation Board President, Ralph Ford! President Ford seeks to optimize IEEE Foundation’s ability to connect member-led IEEE social impact initiatives with philanthropic support, expertise and guidance. 2022 is President Ford’s sixth year on the Board having served as the IEEE Foundation’s Vice President of Development during 2020 and 2021. Join us on 10 February 2022 at 1:00 pm ET for the live “fireside chat” with President Ford to hear about his goals and vision for the IEEE Foundation. The session will include a live Q&A session with the audience.

President Ford is chancellor of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and has more than 25 years of leadership experience in higher education and industry. He joined Penn State Behrend in 1994 as a faculty member in electrical and computer engineering, subsequently serving as department chair. In 2005, Dr. Ford was named director of the college’s School of Engineering. Under his leadership, the school increased its national visibility as reflected in its rankings as one of the top 50 undergraduate engineering programs in the country by U.S. News & World Report. He is the author of more than 40 publications, including the book, Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers (McGraw Hill). In 2005, he was a Fulbright Scholar to Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic.

He is a past vice president of Member and Geographic Activities, Region 2 Director, and past member of the board of directors of the IEEE. Prior to joining Penn State University, he held engineering positions at IBM Microelectronics and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Dr. Ford and his wife, Melanie, an assistant teaching professor of computer science and software engineering and director of Penn State Erie’s Youth Education Outreach Office, are the parents of two sons, Alexander and Ryan.

Register now for the 10 February 2022 at 1 PM ET for IEEE Foundation’s virtual Fireside Chat to join in the conversation between President Ford and Executive Director Karen Galuchie.

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