
Volunteers: The Fuel that Powers IEEE

Volunteer Week

Since its founding in 1973, the IEEE Foundation has worked side by side with IEEE volunteers, supported by our donors, to unleash exciting, thoughtful and impactful programming. Throughout the past five decades, volunteers have dedicated countless hours of service, shared their knowledge and expertise, developed innovative solutions, and fostered relationships making lasting connections and contributions. These volunteers are the fuel that powers IEEE. Each and every volunteer helps IEEE grow more energized, diverse, and equipped to reach our common goal of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

In recognition of Volunteer Week (16-22 April 2023), we are delighted and honored to celebrate the IEEE volunteers whose contributions of their time and talent play a vital role in the IEEE Foundation’s ability to bring the promise of technology and the knowledge to use it to individuals and communities we serve! Here are just a few examples:

IEEE Smart Village Invests in the Well-being of Farmers in Turkana, Kenya
IEEE Smart Village volunteers work with carefully vet and selected in-community entrepreneurs to develop and sustain clean, renewable energy systems, implement impactful community-based education programs, and operate viable enterprises like the Natoot Farm Project in Turkana, Kenya.

Grants Help Volunteers Deliver STEM Programs
Local IEEE volunteers leverage and multiply the resources of the TryEngineering STEM portal delivering innovative, compelling, in-community STEM outreach activities designed to spark and excite the imagination of pre-university students.

Dedicated Volunteers Enable Expansion of Oral Histories

IEEE volunteers trained to conduct peer to peer interviews are expanding the IEEE History Center’s ability to collect and preserve the memories of those who participated in historical events that might not be represented in other forms of historical documents.

It’s Time for the IEEE VICS Summit and Honors Ceremony

Before IEEE can shine a light on the incredible work being done by the IEEE professional community during the annual IEEE Honors Ceremony – nominations and credentials must be verified, discussed, and debated. Hundreds of IEEE awards volunteers undertake this herculean task every year, uncovering the most worthy and qualified of honorees.

Record Attendance at 2022 IEEE-HKN Student Leadership Conference
Delivering a stellar program that helps students hone leadership skills, connect with each other, and hear from industry experts on how to prepare for their future careers is no small task. And that is exactly what IEEE-HKN volunteers delivered for the students from the 54 HKN  chapters that attended the 2022 IEEE-HKN Student Leadership Conference.

These stories of impact highlight the challenging work and dedication of IEEE volunteers. Working with these volunteers, the IEEE Foundation is able to multiply our donors’ investments to improve access to technology, enhance technological literacy and support education. Together, we deliver opportunity, innovation and impact across the globe!

Volunteering can be so beneficial to your personal and professional life. To learn more about other life changing, impactful and volunteer-led programs funded by the IEEE Foundation please visit:

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