
Ung Receives Fellowship in EE

Brandon Wei Seng Ung

In November 2022, graduate student Brandon Wei Seng Ung was awarded the IEEE Life Members Graduate Study Fellowship in Electrical Engineering. IEEE Foundation Director and former Vice President of EA Stephen Phillips (left), and S. K. Ramesh (right) congratulate Ung.

The fellowship is administered by the IEEE Educational Activities Board and funded through your donations to the IEEE Life Members Fund of the IEEE Foundation. Established in 2000, the fellowship recognizes the exceptional achievements of a student in their first year of a graduate program in any area of electrical engineering. Ung is pursuing his studies at the University of Minnesota in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Ung’s interests lie in VLSI, computer architecture, and machine learning, areas that are critical to advances in the 5G, data center, and automotive industries. Ung views the IEEE fellowship as the outcome of his strong academic performance and his deep and sustained engagement with the UMN IEEE student branch and IEEE-HKN.

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