News Category: IEEE-USA

Ramesh Award With Tom And Kathleen

Ramesh Nair’s IEEE Foundation Journey: From Beneficiary to Benefactor

During his 15 years as an IEEE member, Ramesh Nair has grown from an engineering undergraduate student to a young professional at Intel. Along the way, he has held a…

GT2023 Post Featured Image (760 X 425 Px)

#IEEEGivingTuesday Breaks a New Record with US$178,000+ in Donations

Each year, the strength and generosity of the IEEE and IEEE Foundation community continues to grow; and 2023 was no exception. Nearly 550 donors generously gave a combined US$178,000 on…

IEEE Student Members Tackle Public Policy Topics in Washington, DC

Each year, IEEE-USA selects up to three outstanding IEEE student members with a keen interest in public policy to participate in the nine-week program in Washington, D.C, USA called Washington…