News Category: HKN

IEEE Foundation Bruno BlogHeader

An Exclusive Interview with IEEE Foundation Chief Canine, Bruno McDonald

Our special guest today is Bruno, who is the Best Friend of John McDonald, the IEEE Foundation 50th Anniversary Chair. Bruno has recently been appointed as: The IEEE Foundation 50th…

Lorena Garcia Honors Ceremony 2022 LG

A Dedicated Volunteer and Advocate for Positive Change

Lorena Garcia is currently a member of the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) and has been a volunteer member of this group for the past eight years, which includes serving…

Smaller Dan

Moving Forward and Giving Back

Daniel C. Cambron was an active student member of IEEE throughout his undergraduate and graduate school years, but he didn’t stop there – the dynamic entrepreneur has continued to nurture…

IEEE Life Member Positions IEEE at the Top of His Charitable List

IEEE Life Senior Member Paul Dorvel has spent more than 30 years in the electrical power industry focusing on high-voltage transmission lines but appreciates the varied challenges in other engineering…


The Power of a Community Full of Contributions

By: Amanda Weissman There was once an engineering student at the University of Illinois who felt there was something missing in their academic career. He had a vision of a…

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Role Model Recipient’s – Honorarium & Prize Money Donations

Have you ever been awarded a cash prize or speaker fee and wondered how you could make a lasting impact with that money? Award Recipients and Conference Speakers who receive…

Volunteer Week

Volunteers: The Fuel that Powers IEEE

Since its founding in 1973, the IEEE Foundation has worked side by side with IEEE volunteers, supported by our donors, to unleash exciting, thoughtful and impactful programming. Throughout the past…

Brandon Wei Seng Ung

Ung Receives Fellowship in EE

In November 2022, graduate student Brandon Wei Seng Ung was awarded the IEEE Life Members Graduate Study Fellowship in Electrical Engineering. IEEE Foundation Director and former Vice President of EA…

HKN 2022

Record Attendance for 2022 IEEE-HKN Student Leadership Conference

“Networking with alumni from the chapter and with IEEE as a professional after graduation,” “the ideas for building community and leveraging our various networks” and “collaborate with local chapters” were…

IEEE Foundation and IEEE Educational Activities: Inspiring the Technologists of Tomorrow

Educating the next generation of innovators and engineers is one of the core pillars of the IEEE Foundation. One of our main partners in this quest is IEEE Educational Activities…