News Category: Donors
Honoring the Past While Encouraging the Future Through Memorial Giving
John Baillieul is an IEEE Life Fellow and an IEEE Millennium Medal Award winner. He has held several leadership positions with IEEE TAB (Technical Activities Board) and IEEE Publication Services…
Gunther and Shirley Karger Establish the IEEE Communication Society Community Leadership Award
Founding Members of IEEE Communications Society (COMSOC October 9,1963) Gunther Karger elected Chairman of the Cape Canaveral, Florida Section Gunther Karger, Senior Life Member of IEEE, first became obsessed with…
An Exclusive Interview with IEEE Foundation Chief Canine, Bruno McDonald
Our special guest today is Bruno, who is the Best Friend of John McDonald, the IEEE Foundation 50th Anniversary Chair. Bruno has recently been appointed as: The IEEE Foundation 50th…
IEEE Smart Village Invests in the Well-being of Farmers in Turkana, Kenya
In the far northwest corner of Kenya, you will find Turkana County, one of the poorest counties struggling to provide adequate food for both humans and animals. Located in equatorial…
A Spark of Philanthropy to Inspire Future Generations
Dr. T.J. Rodgers’ contribution to support the IEEE SSCS- James D. Meindl Memorial Educational Fund was driven both by his respect for his mentor, Professor James D. Meindl, and his…
Celebrating Donors & the Students they Support with the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society
Brilliant minds gathered from around the world for technical talks, exhibitions, workshops and demonstrations in the field of antennas and propagation and associated technical fields during the 2022 IEEE International…