
Sees IEEE as “a Place of Opportunity”

Jill Gostin

Jill Gostin
MEMBER GRADE: Senior Member

A longtime IEEE member, Jill took a hiatus for a few years but returned with zeal over a decade ago. “I became an IEEE volunteer at the local level and soon moved into higher-level positions, serving on the Board of Governors of the Computer Society, the Administrative Committee of the Sensors Council as well as in assorted committee positions across Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) and Technical Activities (TA),” said Jill, who credits her IEEE leadership experiences with helping her to reach her current position as Principal Research Scientist, Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Lab at Georgia Tech Research Institute.

“To me, IEEE is a place of opportunity — a place to gain experience and training in leadership, work for the betterment of humanity via efforts such as the IEEE-USA Mobile Outreach Vehicle (MOVE) and projects run by the Humanitarian Activities Committee and help younger people (from K-12 through young professionals) understand the impact they can have through a career in STEM,” she said.

Having served as the Volunteer/Team Development Chair for MOVE, “I had the opportunity to see the number of IEEE members who wanted to be involved and witness their excitement over the visibility and impact MOVE is having,” she said. “I donate to the MOVE initiative and other IEEE humanitarian efforts because I’m proud of IEEE for using and advancing technology to make a positive impact on our world.”

“Winston Churchill once said that ‘we make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give,’ and I believe that wholeheartedly,” Jill said. “Whether you give financially or volunteer some portion of your time to IEEE, I believe your life experience will be greatly enriched because of your giving.”

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