Raise Your Paws for the First IEEE Foundation Day Celebration

A note from Bruno McDonald, IEEE Foundation Chief Canine:
Welcome to the most pawsome celebration of the year! Did you know that 16 February is now IEEE Foundation Day? I’m wagging my tail with all the excitement. You can’t see it because you are reading this but trust me, my vigorous tail wag is making it hard to type.
My human, John McDonald, said that the IEEE Foundation picked 16 February as the special day because, more than 50 years ago in 1973, it’s the day that the Foundation was founded. Rightfully, they named it IEEE Foundation Day. The IEEE Foundation was established to inspire philanthropic investment in technology and educational programs that support the IEEE global community for the benefit of humanity…and canines (I hope). It’s just so pawfect!
Over the last year, as the IEEE Foundation Chief Canine, I’ve seen first paw all of the great work that IEEE members and volunteers have done in the world. Many projects within all 5 of our Program Pillars have an unchewable impact on so many lives. Ap-paws, ap-paws to a few highlights:
Illuminate – EPICS in IEEE invested in 39 service learning projects engaging 800 students around the world to make an impact in their communities. 23 of the projects are part of the EPICS in IEEE Access and Abilities Competition for projects that solve accessibility challenges within communities funded by the Jon C. Taenzer Memorial Fund. Go, students, go!
Educate – IEEE Robots Guide fresh new website design transformed IEEE robotics expertise into fun, engaging, highly interactive content reaching nearly 425,000 visitors. The site launched in May and I give it two paws up!
Engage – The IEEE History Center’s Oral Histories preserved the memories of prominent technologists by conducting 15 oral history interviews and posting 29 new interview transcripts to the Engineering & Technology History Wiki. Among the newest interviewees are IEEE Fellows and donors Andrea Goldsmith, John Impagliazzo, José M. F. Moura and Arogyaswami Paulraj. All very good humans indeed!
Energize – IEEE Awards honored 24 2023 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients whose groundbreaking technological advances shape our lives and the future of the profession during the IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit and Honors Ceremony held in Atlanta, GA, United States. Looks like they’re barking up the right tree!
Future – Women in Engineering (WIE) collaborated on a venture between Riko-chan, the girl who solved everyday problems using her STEM knowledge, and me, Bruno, the IEEE Foundation Chief Canine. It’s the ulti-mutt collaboration and I hope you check it out.
As I look to the horizon and sniff the air, I am pawsitive that 2024 holds more excitement and ways we’ll all come together to make the world a better place. Afterall, the IEEE Foundation’s vision is to be the heart of IEEE charitable giving and philanthropy. So let’s unleash the fun.
In celebration of IEEE Foundation Day, join me in sharing your story on the IEEE Foundation Day Kudoboard. Whether you are a donor, program partner, beneficiary, volunteer – human or canine; your passion, values and care blossomed into meaningful, real-world impact. We invite you to further explore IEEE Foundation Day at Join me, Bruno, on the socials too: LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and sign up to receive our newsletter. Have a tail-rific time!