
PES Scholarship Plus Initiative Announces 2021/22 Scholars and a New Presidential Level Sponsor

PES Scholarship Plus Initiative Announces 2021/22 Scholars and a New Presidential Level Sponsor

On 22 November 2021, the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative announced the 72 high-achieving undergraduate electrical engineering scholars to be honored as 2021-2022 PES Scholars! These scholars will one day develop new green technologies, build the smart grid and change the way we generate and use power. Majoring in electrical engineering and committed to exploring the power and energy field, these undergraduate students are high achievers with strong GPAs and distinctive extracurricular commitments. 
The Initiative seeks to attract highly qualified engineering students to the power and energy field. Since the program launched in 2011, 1,881 scholarships have been awarded to 1,099 students at more than 175 universities across the USA, Canada and Puerto Rico. 

The 2021-2022 PES Scholars represent 40 universities. Students receive a financial award, one year of IEEE PES student membership and have the opportunity to be mentored by leading professionals in the power and energy industry. The Initiative provides real world experience in addition to the scholarships. 

Engineering students explore a career path that ensures the electric grid is maintained and transformed to accommodate society’s changing needs. None of this is possible without the generous support of donors like the Hoveida Family Foundation, who joined the PES Scholarship Plus Initiative as a new Presidential Level Sponsor. 

Thanks to the generous financial support of Hoveida Family Foundation, founded by Bahman Hoveida, and their advocacy for excellence in power engineering, each year 30 or more Hoveida Family Scholars will be identified among the PES Scholars. Take a look at the inaugural list of the students supported by this generous donation.

The IEEE Foundation and IEEE Power & Energy Society are honored that the Hoveida Family Foundation selected the PES Scholarship Plus Initiative as one of its first charitable donations. In doing so they are strengthening the future workforce of the power and energy sector. 

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