Our Donors

Philanthropy, born of shared vision and generosity, is a powerful form of energy – one that sparks imagination and transformative change. 

Our Donors

Philanthropy, born of shared vision and generosity, is a powerful form of energy – one that sparks imagination and transformative change.


Total Donors


Average Gift


Repeat Donors 

You are the Catalyst Behind Our Power

Bringing technology to the world to transform lives is our shared vision. To accomplish this, it takes leadership from our most dedicated partners – IEEE members and institutions in the fields of technology. We thank our donors who continue to champion our mission to support and enrich the profession, education, and history of technology. Their donations help us achieve this goal and keeps IEEE in the forefront of transforming lives through technology.  

Donors to the IEEE Foundation come in all shapes and sizes from all corners of the world and include individuals, corporations, institutions, foundations, IEEE units and business owners. We proudly recognize these generous philanthropic leaders through our two donor recognition groups. 

  • IEEE Heritage Circle - our cumulative giving recognition group where our Honored Philanthropists turned their professional passions into intentional impact
  • IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League - an elite group of planned giving donors who are Forever Generous

Thanks to our nearly 8,000 annual donors, we are able to invest in more than 250 IEEE initiatives that advance technology and education for the benefit of humanity. Every donor who makes a gift to the IEEE Foundation makes a difference.

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Donor News

HeadShot CB Sanderson (10)

Building a Future Where Technology is a Force for Good

Christopher Sanderson’s journey with IEEE started as an IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Honor Society member. Over time, he has become an avid IEEE volunteer leader holding several positions such…

John McDonald With Max Petlick Atlanta May 2023

Direct Philanthropy and Scholarships: A Virtuous Cycle

By John D. McDonaldIEEE Foundation Vice President for Development, IEEE Life Fellow,Member National Academy of Engineering, CIGRE Honorary Member,Founder/CEO, JDM Associates, LLC, Duluth, GA, USA As an IEEE Foundation Director…

J. Baillieul

Honoring the Past While Encouraging the Future Through Memorial Giving

John Baillieul is an IEEE Life Fellow and an IEEE Millennium Medal Award winner. He has held several leadership positions with IEEE TAB (Technical Activities Board) and IEEE Publication Services…

Be the Catalyst Behind Our Power