
Like Mother, Like Daughter: Paving the Way for Women in Engineering

Linda Hugle

Linda Hugle, the daughter of Frances Hugle, embodied the ideals of Forever Generous. As an educator herself, Linda understood the importance of education and helping a young person pursue their dreams. Through her philanthropic support of IEEE, Linda memorialized the impact her mother had on the engineering community while simultaneously benefiting aspiring engineers who happen to be women.

Linda recently bequeathed a portion of her Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to the IEEE Frances B. Hugle Scholarship. The Hugle Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Frances Hugle, her many significant engineering accomplishments, and to help provide the resources for women engineers to follow suit. Annually, IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) solicits applications from female IEEE Student Members who have completed two years of undergraduate study in an engineering curriculum at an ABET-accredited university or college within the United States. Linda’s generous planned gift enabled WIE to expand the prize to make an even bigger impact on the careers and future of women engineers

Since inception, WIE has awarded the Hugle Scholarship to four aspiring women engineers and is excited for the opportunity to help more and more women achieve their dreams.  The 2020 recipient of the scholarship, Olivia Figueira, understands the impact this scholarship has and how important the last legacy can be.  “I plan to continue to engage with organizations such as IEEE and IEEE WIE in the future of my career to further widen participation in engineering, as was one of Frances B. Hugel’s goals,” said Olivia. 

We thank Linda Hugle for her support and dedication to our mission through this legacy gift.

If you are interested in discovering how easy it is for you to also name the IEEE Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan as Linda did, the IEEE Foundation team would be honored to assist with finding the right way for you to integrate IEEE into your estate plan. 

There are many ways to show your support and it is never too early or too late to start! As you create or update your plan, consider the role IEEE has played in your life and the #IEEELegacy you want to leave. 

Phone: +1 732.562.5446 e-mail: Visit the IEEE Foundation website at to learn about all your giving options.

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