
Investing in Potential and Transforming Lives Around the Globe

Investing in Potential and Transforming Lives Around the Globe

We proudly recall the ways IEEE Foundation served as the IEEE philanthropic partner during 2021 and enter 2022 with a sense of achievement and excitement for the future. In the December 2021 “A Year in Review – Thanks to You” edition of this e-newsletter, we shared a few highlights of the IEEE Foundation’s work and path forward for 2022. This month, we focus on the accomplishments of many of the IEEE programs, supported by donors like you, that Illuminated, Educated, Engaged and Energized human potential.

IEEE programs illuminate the possibilities of technology by using it to address global challenges.

  • Celebrated IEEE-USA Mobile Outreach Vehicle (MOVE)’s 5th anniversary in 2021 by receiving a second vehicle, which was donated by Cisco Systems. The two trucks combined for four deployments spanning nearly 100 days assisting victims of natural disasters in Louisiana, Kentucky, North Carolina and Tennessee by providing short-term communications infrastructure, computer, and power solutions.
  • Improved the health, education and wellbeing of eight communities in six different countries (Cameroon, Galapagos, Honduras, India, Kenya and Uganda) through newly established IEEE Smart Village projects. Each project meets the unique needs of the local community and is designed to close the energy-gap for the world’s most energy impoverished citizens through the three pillars – electrification, education and enterprise development.
  • Kicked off the EPICS in IEEE Environmental Competition in partnership with the United Engineering Foundation to harness the power and potential of university students in the US to mitigate and address the impact of climate change in their local communities. The application deadline is 4 February 2022.
  • Fostered stronger collaborations through the IEEE SIGHT Fund enabling the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee to solidify partnerships with IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) and IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS) resulting in seven projects being selected to receive funding.

IEEE programs educate the next generation of innovators and engineers

IEEE programs engage a wider audience in appreciating the value and importance of engineering and technology.

IEEE programs energize innovation by celebrating technological excellence.

The role of IEEE Foundation is to translate your donations into social impact. By connecting 200+ member-led initiatives with financing, expertise and philanthropic guidance, our goal is to put efforts where philanthropy and technology intersect. Thank you for your role in the success of 2021. The philanthropic investment of your time, talent and treasure allowed us to enhance IEEE programs that invest in potential and transform lives around the globe. Thank you!

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