Sections Congress 2023

The IEEE Foundation is a proud Diamond Level Sponsor of IEEE Sections Congress 2023 - IEEE MGA’s triennial flagship event which brings together volunteer leaders from every member country to share ideas and solutions.

Sections Congress 2023

The IEEE Foundation is a proud Diamond Level Sponsor of IEEE Sections Congress 2023 - IEEE MGA’s triennial flagship event which brings together volunteer leaders from every member country to share ideas and solutions.

The IEEE Foundation and our 14 IEEE Program Partners would like to thank you for celebrating the Foundation’s 50th Anniversary at our Sections Congress Pavilion in Ottawa. 

As IEEE’s philanthropic partner, IEEE and the Foundation enjoy a strong and collaborative partnership where technology and philanthropy intersect. We hope you had the opportunity to network with your peers and to learn more about the programs that you can deliver executed locally. Included below is the digital version of our Pavilion brochure which provides details for each of the outstanding programs featured during the event.