IEEE Smart Village

Empowering energy impoverished communities by delivering sustainable electricity, educational services and enterprise development.

IEEE Smart Village

IEEE Smart Village (ISV) provides sustainable energy and access to educational and entrepreneurial opportunities in energy-impoverished communities around the world. By bringing together engineers, educators, volunteers, and donors, seed funding and expert guidance is provided to in-community entrepreneurs who develop and sustain clean, renewable energy systems, implement impactful community-based education programs, and operate viable enterprises. The three-pillar approach of ISV is energy + education + entrepreneurship = community transformation.

IEEE Smart Village (ISV) provides sustainable energy and access to educational and entrepreneurial opportunities in energy-impoverished communities around the world. By bringing together engineers, educators, volunteers and donors, seed funding and expert guidance is provided to in-community entrepreneurs who develop and sustain clean, renewable energy systems, implement impactful community-based education programs, and operate viable enterprises. The three-pillar approach of ISV is energy + education + entrepreneurship = community transformation.


projects incubated worldwide


PV solar panels installed


million people in people in 18 countries lives transformed

IEEE Smart Village News

Smart Village Guetemala

Empowerment Through Enterprise: Sustainable Agriculture and Solar Thermal Dried Fruits in Peten, Guatemala

Guatemala is the largest economy in Central America and an upper middle-income country, measured by its GDP per capita (US$14,066.5 in 2023). However, the country’s wealth is unequally distributed, with…

Dacheng Energy

First IEEE Smart Village Initiative in China Commissioned: Dacheng Energy Rural Photovoltaic-Thermal Heating

IEEE Smart Village (ISV) is pleased to report that the first ISV-funded initiative in China has been commissioned! This project was funded through the generosity of an onsemi grant. The…

SunMokshaYou Will Belive Solar Deployment

IEEE Smart Village: Empowerment through Enterprise

Just fifteen years ago, the notion of an IEEE group working to bring enterprise development to off-grid and remote communities was nascent. Today, IEEE Smart Village (ISV) stands as a…

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