
IEEE Milestones Program Celebrates 40th Anniversary

AO Compiler

The IEEE Milestones Program honors significant technical achievements in all areas associated with IEEE: Engineering, Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Physical Sciences, Biological and Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Technical Communications, Education, Management, and Law and Policy. This program is one of the most visible ways IEEE educates the public about the technological achievements in its fields of interest. All IEEE Milestones recognize the technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity found in unique products, services, seminal papers and patents – honoring the achievement rather than a place or a person. 

The IEEE Milestones Program began with an April 1983 proposal by Dr. Friedel, the IEEE History Center’s first director, for establishing a program for designating significant achievements in electrical engineering and computing. Previous to that, IEEE had collaborated with ASCE and ASME in joint Landmarks designated by those organizations.

In October 1984, the IEEE Board of Directors approved the first two IEEE Milestones (Hearts Content and Signal Hill).

To date, IEEE has dedicated more than 250 Milestones. (For a full list, visit Among the recently dedicated IEEE Milestones are: Google’s PageRank Algorithm, Ethernet, TCP/Internet, the A-0 Compiler work by Grace Hopper, the semiconductor laser, 193-nm photolithography, and the IEEE 802 standard. IEEE Milestones have been dedicated in all ten IEEE regions, and dedications sometimes take place over multiple locations. In 2023, 40 plaques (20 in English, 20 in French) were placed in 20 locations across Canada for the Trans-Canada Microwave System. (This accounted for the casting and shipping of almost half a ton of bronze plaques.) 

The Milestone Program is overseen by the IEEE History Committee, administered through the IEEE History Center, and partially funded with donations to the  IEEE History Center Fund of the IEEE Foundation. 

Interested in proposing a Milestone? Read more about the process here.

  • Milestones are proposed by any IEEE member, and are sponsored by the IEEE section(s) where the plaque or plaques will be placed. 
  • Any IEEE organizational unit (societies, student branches, etc.) may cosponsor milestone proposals in their technical field.
  • To be proposed as an IEEE Milestone, an achievement must be at least twenty five years old, have benefited humanity, and must have had widespread geographic importance. 
  • Each approved Milestone is recognized with a dedication ceremony and a carefully crafted bronze plaque.

Photo: Milestone dedication of the A-O Compiler and Initial Development of Automatic Programming, 1951-1952. Pictured: Vijay Kumar (Nemirovsky Family Dean of Penn Engr.), Laura Stubbs (Sr. Dir. of Penn Engr. Office of Diversity), Rear Admiral Michael Richman (US Navy Deputy Commander for Cyber Engr.), Kate McDevitt (Philadelphia Section Vice Chair), Kathleen Kramer (IEEE 2024 President-Elect), André DeHon (Prof. of Electrical & Systems Engr.)

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