IEEE Foundation Day

Join us in our annual Celebration of Heart.

On 10 January 1973, the IEEE Board of Directors voted to create the IEEE Foundation. On 16 February 1973, one month later, the IEEE Foundation was founded. For more than 50 years, the IEEE Foundation has worked side by side with generous donors and IEEE program partners to unleash exciting, thoughtful and impactful programming that advances technology for the benefit of humanity. Their impact has been shaped by time, talent, and treasure.

This year, we are celebrating donor-supported programs that directly benefit students and young professionals. Join us in Igniting the Future on 16 February 2025: IEEE Foundation Day.

IEEE Foundation Day 2024 White

Igniting the Future

The future of technology relies on nurturing talent, fostering opportunities for innovation, and developing socially responsible tech professionals. That is why this IEEE Foundation Day, we are celebrating students and young professionals, and highlighting the opportunities available to them in the IEEE community. Students and young professionals have the opportunity to receive scholarships, grants, and funding, and can leverage these resources to create waves of positive change in their communities and fields of study. Their journeys are a testament to the incredible work that IEEE programs backed by the IEEE Foundation and its generous donors, make possible. With your help, we believe we can inspire future generations to innovate, lead, and create a better world.

Educational Opportunities + Tools for Tomorrow’s Leaders:

To learn more about the donor-funded resources available to IEEE students and young professionals, visit our Students and Young Professionals page. It offers information and details on the following professional development and funding opportunities for high-achieving individuals.

  • Scholarships: Who’s eligible and how to apply. 
  • Travel Grants: Opening doors to global opportunities.
  • Research Grants: Supporting innovation in emerging fields.
  • Fellowships + Internships: Bridging academia and industry.
  • Awards: Recognizing excellence and achievement.

As a significant focus in our Educate Impact Pillar, we know that IEEE heart has the power to turn aspirations into achievements with IEEE’s donor-funded programs. Together, we have already empowered over 600,000 individuals in their educational journeys and we know with your help, we can grow this number even more.

Join the Celebration!

IEEE Foundation Day is a great opportunity for the IEEE community to honor the remarkable achievements and bright futures made possible by our donors, volunteers, educators, and program partners.

If you're a donor, beneficiary, program partner, or volunteer, celebrate with us on 16 February by visiting our LinkedIn page. Share your story and how you believe we're Igniting the Future for IEEE students and young professionals. We'd love to hear from you!

John McDonald With Max Petlick Atlanta May 2023

"Winning the PES Scholarship didn’t just alleviate financial burdens; it opened doors to meaningful relationships and career-shaping opportunities. The process was quick and easy, all I had to do was explain my interest in the Power industry and what I was doing to pursue it."

Max Petlick

Yucely 2

"Without this scholarship, starting my Ph.D. with a good grasp of the local language and improving my English skills might not have been possible. Additionally, knowing that I had the support of such a prestigious scholarship opened doors and provided options for where I could conduct my doctoral studies."

Yucely Beb

The Heart of IEEE Philanthropy – IEEE Foundation

As the philanthropic partner of IEEE, the IEEE Foundation translates the values of our members and donors into social impact. We connect IEEE initiatives with financing, expertise and philanthropic guidance. Our goal is to put effort where philanthropy and technology intersect. 

Together, we deliver opportunity, innovation and impact, and advance the IEEE mission across the globe. 

Vision: To be the heart of IEEE charitable giving and philanthropy. 

Mission: To expand the IEEE charitable body of work by inspiring philanthropic engagement that ignites a donor’s innermost interests and values. 

Pillars: Thanks to our donors and the funds raised in cooperation with IEEE Organizational Units, the  IEEE Foundation works across IEEE to invest in IEEE programs that bring the promise of technology and  the knowledge to use it to the world. Many of our programs offer multiple benefits and we categorize them under five main categories: Illuminate, Educate, Engage, Energize and Future.


IEEE Foundation News

IEEE Foundation 2024 Recap

2024 Recap: IEEE Foundation

IEEE Foundation activities moved forward in a year of tremendous progress Following the IEEE Foundation’s milestone 50th anniversary in 2023, donors and volunteers around the globe made 2024 a memorable…

A Message from Marko Delimar

Igniting the Future: A Message from Marko Delimar, IEEE Foundation President

As an electrical engineer, researcher, educator, and lifelong optimist, I have always believed in the power of education and innovation to transform lives. Since 1997, I’ve had the privilege of…

IEEE Foundation Blog2

Celebrating Students & Young Professionals this IEEE Foundation Day

The IEEE Foundation’s work is profound: to expand the IEEE charitable body of work by inspiring philanthropic engagement that ignites a donor’s innermost interests and values. This year on 16…

Join the Celebration