Direct Philanthropy and Scholarships: A Virtuous Cycle
By John D. McDonald
IEEE Foundation Vice President for Development, IEEE Life Fellow,
Member National Academy of Engineering, CIGRE Honorary Member,
Founder/CEO, JDM Associates, LLC, Duluth, GA, USA
As an IEEE Foundation Director and Vice President of Development, it is with great pleasure that I share the following, real-life example of philanthropy and its practical impact on a deserving student. This account holds valuable lessons for current and future donors, for students and others who may benefit, and it underscores the value of the Foundation and its dedicated staff and volunteers.
Every year, IEEE presents its most prestigious awards at the IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges (VIC) Summit & Honors Ceremony. This event also hosts the IEEE Knowledge Alliance, a mentor-mentee program that matches career professionals with undergraduate students seeking guidance in educational opportunities, career development, volunteering, and leadership.
In April 2023, the Knowledge Alliance matched me with an undergraduate from the University of Florida named Max Petlick. Ahead of meeting in person at VIC, I reached out to Max for a get-acquainted, online chat. Listening to Max, I immediately recognized that he had a budding interest in power and energy, yet he was not yet acquainted with the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES). As past president of PES (2006-07) and a 53-year IEEE member, I provided Max with the basics, as well as apprising him of the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus program.
When we met at VIC 2023, I appreciated his initiative and willingness to work hard for his goals, as well as his interest in a mentoring relationship. Max was quick to recognize the value of IEEE and PES membership, and he set out to establish a PES student chapter at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. He applied for and won a 2024 PES Scholarship Plus Initiative scholarship, was named a Hoveida Scholar and landed a summer internship at JEA (Jacksonville Electric Authority), his hometown municipal utility. Max is a go-getter and we’ve spent the past year as mentor and mentee at his behest talking about his interests, questions, and direction.
This last point is important for students and young professionals who may read this: you drive the mentor-mentee relationship. I suggest would-be mentees review my recent article, “The Mentor and the Mentee: A Little Philosophy, Lots of Practical Advice,” on the IEEE-USA InSight website.
This story addresses the value of the philanthropy that drives the IEEE Foundation and IEEE’s many programs for students. In Max’s case, the IEEE PES scholarship he won was funded by the Hoveida Family Foundation, whose focus is education and science, established by my long-time colleague and friend, Bahman Hoveida.
This year the IEEE Foundation hosted a virtual meet-and-greet, which I moderated, between students who had won a 2024 scholarship and Bahman Hoveida. This event offered the students an opportunity to interact with and learn directly from a successful professional. I was gratified to see Max meet Bahman – the questing student and the successful entrepreneur – exploring each other’s world to mutual benefit.
There’s no greater feeling as a mentor than to use your experience to help others achieve their own success. When a student or young professional meets challenges, accomplishes achievements or simply clarifies their professional and personal path – and they tell you they couldn’t have done it without your help – that can provide a higher reward than your own successes. Never forget the help and support others provided in your own career and success. In my own perspective, donating and mentoring represent excellent opportunities to give back and pay forward.