
Celebrating the 2023 IEEE Awards Honorees

VIC Summit For May E News

The 2023 IEEE Vision, Innovation and Challenges Summit (VIC Summit) was held 5 May 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia, US. The event highlighted the innovation and creativity of engineering, science, and technology through provocative, educational and inspiring talks with a vision for the future. You can watch the VIC Summit on 

The Summit culminated with the IEEE Honors Ceremony Gala—an evening of festivities that included the celebration of the contributions of some of the world’s greatest minds.

Saifur Rahman, IEEE President and CEO, and Tom Coughlin, IEEE President-Elect hosted the Ceremony and led the celebration of the thirty-five 2023 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients whose groundbreaking technological advances shape our lives and the future of the profession. 

IEEE’s highest honor, the IEEE Medal of Honor, was presented to IEEE Life Fellow, Vinton (Vint) G. Cerffor co-creating the Internet architecture and providing sustained leadership in its phenomenal growth in becoming society’s critical infrastructure.” The IEEE Haraden Pratt Award for outstanding volunteer service to IEEE was awarded to IEEE Foundation Vice President of Programs, Marko Delimar “for inspired vision and steadfast leadership in improving global IEEE influence, member engagement, and governance.” The IEEE Founders Medal, which recognizes outstanding contributions in the leadership, planning, and administration of affairs of great value to the electrical and electronics engineering profession, was presented to Rodney Allen Brooks “for leadership in research and commercialization of autonomous robotics, including mobile, humanoid, service, and manufacturing robots.” All three honors are sponsored by the IEEE Foundation.

Of this year’s recipients, eight donated all, or a portion of, their cash prize to a variety of IEEE programs which hold funds with the IEEE Foundation. One such donor was José M. F. Moura, who received the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal. He chose to give back to the IEEE Signal Processing Student & Young Professional Fund and IEEE Foundation Fund. He says of his gift, “this enables undergraduates to take part in beneficial in-person conferences and technical meetings, giving students the opportunity to present their work and participate in discussions enhancing their professional development.”

When Vint Cerf was asked why he chose to donate to advance the IEEE Awards Program, he said, “IEEE prizes, medals, and awards highlight the successes of our scientists and engineers and remind us of the importance of STEM work. I was happy to return my prize money to help IEEE continue this important work.” Marko Delimar, similarly, has a desire to help IEEE continue advancing IEEE programs with his donated prize. “As an IEEE volunteer for 30 years, I have been fortunate enough to witness and participate in IEEE programs which have positively affected the world. Several of these programs are donor supported and rely on the generosity of philanthropists and technology enthusiasts for success,” he said. Professor Delimar continued, “Thousands of IEEE volunteers worldwide generously give their time, talent and treasure to these programs, each making the world a better place. I believe donating the cash prize for volunteer service, which further supports and advances innovative programs – simply is – the right thing to do.”

Our ability to energize innovation through the celebration of those who push the boundaries of thinking, break new ground, and improve lives takes the dedication and commitment of many individuals and organizations. We extend our sincere gratitude to our generous award sponsors, event sponsors, donors, nominators, endorsers, volunteers, the IEEE Awards Board and Committees, IEEE Presidents, IEEE Board of Directors, and IEEE professional staff for their continued support of IEEE Awards. 

Be part of the IEEE Awards Program – donate to the IEEE Awards program or nominate someone to receive a 2024 IEEE Medal or Recognition by 15 July 2023

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