News Category: Foundation News

Celebrating Donors & the Students they Support with the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society

Brilliant minds gathered from around the world for technical talks, exhibitions, workshops and demonstrations in the field of antennas and propagation and associated technical fields during the 2022 IEEE International…

Celebrating Four IEEE Volunteers For International Day Of Charity

Celebrating Four IEEE Volunteers for International Day of Charity

Built by the efforts of volunteers and funded by the generosity of its donors, the IEEE Foundation recognizes the International Day of Charity by celebrating four of the many people…

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Introducing Ralph Ford, 2022 IEEE Foundation President

Ralph Ford was appointed the 23rd President of the IEEE Foundation by the Foundation’s Board of Directors and began his term on 1 January 2022. Ford brings us, and our…

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Evening of Innovation with Qualcomm

On 5 May 2022 at Qualcomm Headquarters in San Diego, CA, US, Qualcomm generously hosted an “Evening of Innovation,” a panel discussion with 2022 IEEE Medal Recipients. IEEE Awards Board…


IEEE Foundation in Support of Giving and Gaining Happiness

Each year the world acknowledges International Day of Happiness, a day recognizing this fundamental need, that’s both the focus of so much energy and, at the same time, often overlooked…

A Fireside Chat and Q&A with President Ralph Ford and Executive Director Karen Galuchie

A Fireside Chat and Q&A with President Ralph Ford and Executive Director Karen Galuchie

On Thursday, 10 February, 2022, newly-elected IEEE Foundation President Ralph Ford and Executive Director Karen Galuchie held a “fireside chat” to discuss President Ford’s goals and vision for the IEEE…

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Welcome our new IEEE Foundation President – Ralph Ford

IEEE Foundation is excited to welcome our new IEEE Foundation Board President, Ralph Ford! President Ford seeks to optimize IEEE Foundation’s ability to connect member-led IEEE social impact initiatives with…

Investing in Potential and Transforming Lives Around the Globe

Investing in Potential and Transforming Lives Around the Globe

We proudly recall the ways IEEE Foundation served as the IEEE philanthropic partner during 2021 and enter 2022 with a sense of achievement and excitement for the future. In the December…

Reflecting on 2021 and Celebrating Success

Reflecting on 2021 and Celebrating Success

As we approach the end of an exciting year, we are pleased to share a few highlights of the IEEE Foundation’s work and path forward for 2022. LEADERSHIPFirst, we are…

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Realizing Your Impact: IEEE Foundation Reaches $30 Million Campaign Goal

Hard work, time, talent and treasure contributed by dedicated donors, volunteers and staff enable the Realize the Full Potential of IEEE Campaign to surpass its fundraising target. The IEEE Foundation has 30 million…