
Building a Future Where Technology is a Force for Good

HeadShot CB Sanderson (10)

Christopher Sanderson’s journey with IEEE started as an IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Honor Society member. Over time, he has become an avid IEEE volunteer leader holding several positions such as IEEE HKN Regions 5-6 Governor, and the IEEE Region 5 South Area Chair. He is an IEEE Foundation donor and dedicated volunteer!  Christopher’s passion for volunteerism was honored when he was awarded the IEEE-USA John Meredith Professional Service Award in 2020.

When speaking with Christopher, it quickly becomes clear he doesn’t give his time, talent, and treasure for the accolades. Christopher harbors a deep and abiding devotion to community building, and he believes IEEE is one of the strongest communities worth investing in. He is deeply committed to ensuring that our community continues to thrive and that IEEE remains at the forefront of creating the standards that will define modern technology for generations to come.

“It’s not just a society for learning about your profession; it’s a global network where you can connect with peers, professionals, and mentors who help you grow throughout your career,” explains Christopher. “IEEE creates pathways for networking, and those connections often lead to opportunities that you wouldn’t have found otherwise.”

Christopher also knows the power of the IEEE network firsthand. Despite receiving his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas, he has spent most of his career in the electrical industry. When asked about the switch, Christopher quickly points out that understanding how everything connects, across disciplines, is key to progress. He believes IEEE is where engineers and technologists from all fields come together with a unified mission.

“The diversity of our global membership has broadened my perspective, allowing me to collaborate with brilliant minds from all over the world, and every role I’ve held within IEEE has deepened my commitment to that shared vision,” Christopher muses. “We’re not just advancing our careers—we’re shaping the future of technology and innovation on a global scale.”

What Christopher loves most about the IEEE community is the chance to work with the next generation of engineers through mentorship. He feels it is a privilege to guide young minds as they navigate their paths in STEM, and being active in IEEE keeps him connected to that energy and innovation. Not only does Christopher volunteer his time as an active mentor, but he also donates to support programs that encourage the next generation. He sees both as an investment in our collective future.

“Supporting donor-backed programs is my way of ensuring that we continue to create opportunities for the next generation of technologists. I’ve seen firsthand how programs like these open doors for people who might not have access otherwise, and I believe in giving others the chance to succeed,” Christopher passionately shares. “Donating isn’t just about financial contributions; it’s about ensuring that IEEE remains a thriving platform for innovation and inclusion in the years to come.”

Christopher’s volunteer work at IEEE expanded last year when he took on a role on the IEEE Foundation’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee. The goal of this committee was to honor the Foundation’s legacy while also shining a light toward the future.

“For me, it was crucial to show that when we invest in these programs, we’re not just supporting the present—we’re helping build a future where technology can be a force for good,” states Christopher.

“None of us got here on our own,” continues Christopher. “We’ve all had mentors, teachers, or colleagues who helped us along the way. Giving back through IEEE, whether through mentorship, volunteering, or supporting donor-funded initiatives, is a way to honor that. We’re in a unique position to shape the future of technology, not just by what we create but by how we support the people who will take the torch after us. Paying it forward ensures that we leave behind a legacy of growth, innovation, and community.”

You can join Christopher with your gift today and help IEEE and the IEEE Foundation continue to use technology as a force for good.

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