Establish an IEEE Foundation Fund

The IEEE Foundation holds and manages more than 250 funds that advance the impact of IEEE humanitarian, educational, historic preservation, peer recognition and diversity & inclusion programs thanks to philanthropic support.

Establish an IEEE Foundation Fund

The IEEE Foundation holds and manages more than 250 funds that advance the impact of IEEE humanitarian, educational, historic preservation, peer recognition and diversity & inclusion programs thanks to philanthropic support.

IEEE Foundation Fund Management Overview

The IEEE Foundation establishes Funds to accept, manage, steward and account for donations restricted to a specific IEEE program or initiative and track the subsequent program expenditures. 

IEEE, through one or more of its organizational units, may request the establishment of a new Fund for IEEE programs and initiatives that align to the IEEE Foundation mission. The programs and initiatives supported by an IEEE Foundation managed Fund are operated by IEEE not the IEEE Foundation.

Additions to the IEEE Foundation family of Funds must be approved by the IEEE Foundation Board of Directors.

Fees Assessed to IEEE Foundation held Funds

How to Request the Establishment of a Fund

IEEE organizational units interested in requesting the establishment of an IEEE Foundation managed Fund must do so by submitting the Fund Establishment document to the IEEE Foundation at 

The following three phases are designed to help the requestor understand the steps to be taken and think through the details of the request.

Phase 1: The Idea

During this phase, the requestor will need to define the details of the Fund that is being requested: These details include:

Phase 2: Approvals

The information defined in Phase One will affect the approvals needed prior to requesting the IEEE Foundation Fund be established.

Phase 3: IEEE Foundation Board Approvals

The final step for Fund establishment is IEEE Foundation Board of Directors approval. The request will be submitted using the Fund Establishment document prepared by the requestor and emailed to the IEEE Foundation at The IEEE Foundation staff will review the request for completeness and work through any questions or concerns with the requestor prior to forwarding for approval. This process can take time depending on the completeness and complexity of the request, competing priorities and responsiveness of the requestor.

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