IEEE’s 140th Anniversary Celebration Hub
IEEE’s 140th Anniversary Celebration Hub
IEEE’s 140th Anniversary Celebration Hub
The IEEE Foundation is throwing IEEE a non-traditional birthday party to celebrate 140 groundbreaking years in 2024.
Since its origin over a century ago, IEEE and its members and volunteers have helped shape the world of technology—from computing and standards to WiFi and cell phones—up to the latest AI applications of today. It is a great time to celebrate how IEEE has made such a huge impact – both on our members but also by advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. But did you know this humanitarian impact has been driven by philanthropy through the IEEE Foundation for more than five decades?
To help IEEE honor this legacy – and engineer a better future for all – make your gift today and celebrate IEEE's birthday!
Have Your Gift Matched
Many companies offer a gift or volunteer match program to encourage philanthropy among their employees. Some companies will even match gifts from spouses and retirees.
By simply completing a matching gift form (on-line or paper), you may be able to double, or even triple the impact of your gift or turn your IEEE volunteer hours into a cash donation. Use the search field below to see if your employer participates in a gift or volunteer match program.
Shakey the Robot
In 1966, a group of visionaries in Silicon Valley gave birth to SHAKEY, the world's first mobile intelligent robot. Its legacy lives on as it continues to inspire the future of robotics and AI. Join us as we celebrate this milestone in honor of our 140th anniversary.
IEEE 802
The world is more connected than ever, thanks to IEEE's 802 Networking Standards. As technology continues to advance, these standards adapt to meet our demands. Join us in celebrating the innovations that make our lives easier and more connected.